“I Will Open Doors that No Man Can Open and I Will Close Doors that No Man Can Close”: Chuck D. Pierce

“I Will Open Doors that No Man Can Open and I Will Close Doors that No Man Can Close”


A Time of Summing Up!


Our Corporate Prayer on Wednesday at 3 AM was a powerful time of initiating the morning prayer watch in the Tabernacle. The 3 AM watch is when you are ahead of your enemy, and you are standing in an ambushment against your enemy. We are getting in position. This is a season the tide is turning on your enemy because you’re in position. You are not frightened at the sound of a leaf in the wind. You are able to move, and keep your head as you are moving.

Below is a portion of what the Spirit of the Lord spoke through me, Janice Swinney, Lisa Lyons, Deborah DeGar and Aci Otxoa:

I have new horizons that I am forming on your behalf. I have a place I am calling you that you haven’t been. I have places that I’m going down into in you and stirring up. The very bowels of compassion in My people will begin to stir, and what they didn’t see, and what they couldn’t see, now I will extend vision to see.

“I am beginning to sum up what could not be added up in the past season. I am putting together, summing-up what needs to be summed up, and coming into a whole new place of adding together. I am coming up with a bottom-line figure for your situation. This day the bottom line is forming in a new way in many areas of our life. You are going to see a summing-up occur and a bottom-line be brought about; where things could not have been summed before this hour, now they will be summed-up!

“For My voice is forming a slipstream. You are following in that slipstream of My voice, and My voice is the breaker. And you are moving in the sound and with the sound, and it clears the path and opens the way.

For I have come today as a hinge! I’m a hinge today and I will open doors that no man can open and I will close doors that no man can close. I can hinge the destiny of those that you thought were lost, and bring them into their destiny. I can hinge those that are struggling with hearing their spirit rather than their soul. I have come as a hinge today; I am expressing Myself in the earth as it is in Heaven, because I am reconciling and I am hinging those things that have been lost.

“This is the conclusion of the matter. This is the conclusion of the matter concerning My doctrine, My manner of life for you, My purpose as I have set it forth for you, the faith, the long-suffering, the charity, the patience that you must arise in. For this is a season that I have set forth My standard, and you will begin to move in My standard, and you will hear My voice and you will soar in the Spirit. For you have heard that which I have spoken, so come to this new apostolic level I am calling you into. You have the ability, I have given you the doctrine, I have given you the Word, and I have given you the things that are needed. So go forth, and see that you will fulfill all that I have placed in you.

“This a moment that I am drawing the line, and earthly orders are coming from the heavenly realms. Tune your ears to hear the instructions of Heaven, for you are living in a strategic moment when you will see kingdoms that have not been able to come down, come down. New strategies are coming down, and it is a strategy that will pierce the deepest darkness that could not be pierced in the past. Listen to the sounds of Heaven, for in the sounds of Heaven, you will hear your next step!”


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Email: chuckp@glory-of-zion.org

Dr. Charles D. “Chuck” Pierce has been used by God to intercede and mobilize prayer throughout the world. He is an ordained minister and serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries in Corinth, Texas. This ministry facilitates the vision of other apostolic ministries worldwide. Chuck is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons we live in. He also serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc., an apostolic ministry for apostolic, prophetic and intercessory leaders. Peter and Doris Wagner complete the leadership team of this new apostolic wineskin.

He has a degree in Business from Texas A&M, Master’s work in Cognitive Systems from the University of North Texas, and a D. Min. from the Wagner Leadership Institute. He has co-authored eleven books and authored five books. Chuck, his wife Pam and six children live in Denton, Texas.

Via: elijahlist.com

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